hyperlink appall notesabout

Hi, welcome!

We made this site to collect weeknotes, research, and ephemera — things we generate as we build Hyperlink and explore learning futures.

Our first year, we made a little library. The next year, we wove a wiki in hyperspace. This year, a lab notebook.

Among other things, we're trying weeknotes, writing the kind of thing we enjoy reading. We write primarily for ourselves, but hope you find something interesting here too.

Things we're thinking about: attention, intention, boundaries, play, visuals and vibes, rooms and READMEs, co-presence and conversation, presence and aliveness, sessions, sprints, cycles, cadences…

Last year was exploratory: research, evolution, new foundations. Now, we're finding focus in what we're making, playing with new ways of working, having fun with process.


Brendan, Jared, Celine
March, 2023


PS — if you'd like an RSS feed of these notes, grab it here :)